# text: "Brian -- Playtester and John Wayne Incarnate"
# item 6: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=147 y1=111 x2=377 y2=126
# text: "Special Thanks To"
# item 7: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=15 y1=131 x2=395 y2=186
# text: "Globg, Nick, and Harley for support in the beginning; Roommates and Friends for playtesting and planet building; Howard, Virginia, and Cheryl for tolerating us."
# text: "Warning: Starting at a Planet Over 1 Will Forfeit Your High Score Attempt"
# item 4: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=60 y1=60 x2=170 y2=75
# text: "Start at Planet:"
# 5 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=142 y1=107 x2=213 y2=132
# text: "OK"
# item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=17 y1=74 x2=186 y2=94
# text: "Please enter your name:"
# item 2: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
# bounds: x1=197 y1=73 x2=367 y2=93
# text: ""
# item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=116 y1=12 x2=232 y2=31
# text: "Congratulations!"
# item 4: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=17 y1=42 x2=336 y2=62
# text: "You have received one of the top ten scores."
# 10 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=170 y1=145 x2=230 y2=165
# text: "OK"
# item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=155 y1=10 x2=255 y2=25
# text: "Instructions"
# item 2: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=30 y1=30 x2=200 y2=45
# text: "Caps Lock - Pause"
# item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=30 y1=50 x2=200 y2=65
# text: "M - Map of Planet"
# item 4: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=30 y1=70 x2=200 y2=85
# text: "‚åò U - Next Planet"
# item 5: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=240 y1=30 x2=370 y2=45
# text: "‚åò Q - Quit Game"
# item 6: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=240 y1=50 x2=370 y2=65
# text: "‚åò A - Abort Ship"
# item 7: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=240 y1=70 x2=370 y2=85
# text: "‚åò E - Extra Ship"
# item 8: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=120 y1=95 x2=380 y2=110
# text: "Shield to retrieve fuel"
# item 9: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=75 y1=115 x2=380 y2=130
# text: "See \"Set Controls\" for Ship Controls"
# 11 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=170 y1=235 x2=230 y2=255
# text: "OK"
# item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=160 y1=10 x2=250 y2=25
# text: "Playing Tips"
# item 2: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=30 y1=40 x2=380 y2=55
# text: "Beginning"
# item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=60 y1=60 x2=380 y2=75
# text: "Avoid the walls first; kill things second"
# item 4: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=60 y1=80 x2=380 y2=95
# text: "Never thrust with the wind"
# item 5: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=30 y1=100 x2=380 y2=115
# text: "Intermediate"
# item 6: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=60 y1=120 x2=380 y2=135
# text: "Take your time"
# item 7: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=60 y1=140 x2=380 y2=155
# text: "Use your shield often"
# item 8: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=30 y1=160 x2=380 y2=175
# text: "Advanced"
# item 9: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=60 y1=180 x2=380 y2=195
# text: "Find and use bases\' blind spots"
# item 10: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=60 y1=200 x2=380 y2=215
# text: "Don\'t always do things the obvious way"
# 4 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=160 y1=90 x2=280 y2=110
# text: "Goto Planet"
# item 1: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=20 y1=90 x2=140 y2=110
# text: "Cancel"
# item 2: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
# bounds: x1=180 y1=60 x2=220 y2=75
# text: "1"
# item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=60 y1=60 x2=170 y2=75
# text: "Planet Number:"
# 13 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=175 y1=175 x2=235 y2=195
# text: "OK"
# item 1: TEXT (0x08) enabled
# bounds: x1=30 y1=80 x2=110 y2=160
# text: "Gravity Item"
# item 2: CHECKBOX (0x05) enabled
# bounds: x1=195 y1=41 x2=355 y2=58
# text: "Wrap-Around Planet"
# item 3: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
# bounds: x1=199 y1=73 x2=245 y2=88
# text: ""
# item 4: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
# bounds: x1=199 y1=97 x2=245 y2=112
# text: ""
# item 5: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
# bounds: x1=199 y1=121 x2=245 y2=136
# text: ""
# item 6: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
# bounds: x1=199 y1=145 x2=245 y2=160
# text: ""
# item 7: TEXT (0x08) enabled
# bounds: x1=259 y1=73 x2=350 y2=88
# text: "Planet Width"
# item 8: TEXT (0x08) enabled
# bounds: x1=259 y1=96 x2=354 y2=112
# text: "Planet Height"
# item 9: TEXT (0x08) enabled
# bounds: x1=259 y1=120 x2=387 y2=136
# text: "Base Firing Rate"
# item 10: TEXT (0x08) enabled
# bounds: x1=259 y1=144 x2=351 y2=160
# text: "Planet Bonus"
# item 11: TEXT (0x08) enabled
# bounds: x1=20 y1=37 x2=134 y2=74
# text: "Wind Direction and Magnitude:"
# item 12: TEXT (0x08) enabled
# bounds: x1=151 y1=7 x2=253 y2=26
# text: "Planet Globals"
# 3 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=55 y1=123 x2=123 y2=152
# text: "Quit"
# item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=19 x2=405 y2=105
# text: "Continuum does not work with the Ram Cache on, with System 6.0, or with many INITs. Please turn these off and run it again. If you know what you are doing and have reserved the second graphics buffer, click \"Reserve-2nd INIT\" at your own risk."
# item 2: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=238 y1=128 x2=366 y2=148
# text: "Reserve-2nd INIT"
# 2 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=175 y1=95 x2=235 y2=115
# text: "OK"
# item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=20 y1=20 x2=395 y2=85
# text: "Continuum will not run properly on a 128K Macintosh."
# 8 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=21 y1=262 x2=91 y2=282
# text: "OK"
# item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=13 y1=14 x2=397 y2=65
# text: "Continuum is distributed under the \"Beerware\" system. You may copy it freely and give it to anyone, as long as it is not modified or sold."
# item 2: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=13 y1=75 x2=399 y2=110
# text: "However, after trying it for 15 days, please erase all copies or send a case of fine beer to the address below."
# item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=13 y1=119 x2=398 y2=185
# text: "Should your age prevent your legally tendering the above registration fee, other items of commerce — such as money, promises of firstborn, or footrubs administered with suitably exotic oils — will be accepted."
# item 4: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=119 y1=228 x2=313 y2=292
# text: "Randy Wilson\n82D Escondido Village\nStanford, CA 94305\nrwilson@cs.stanford.edu"
# item 5: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=13 y1=197 x2=398 y2=216
# text: "Bug reports MIGHT be rewarded with a corrected version."
# item 6: ICON (0x20) enabled
# bounds: x1=330 y1=234 x2=362 y2=266
# ICON resource ID: 256
# item 7: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=329 y1=270 x2=361 y2=302
# ICON resource ID: 257
# 3 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=135 y1=95 x2=195 y2=115
# text: "Cancel"
# item 1: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=215 y1=95 x2=275 y2=115
# text: "OK"
# item 2: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=20 y1=20 x2=395 y2=85
# text: "Warning: Receiving an extra ship will forfeit your high score attempt."
# 3 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=135 y1=95 x2=195 y2=115
# text: "Cancel"
# item 1: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=215 y1=95 x2=275 y2=115
# text: "OK"
# item 2: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=20 y1=20 x2=395 y2=85
# text: "Warning: Going to the next planet will forfeit your high score attempt."
# 3 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=42 y1=83 x2=114 y2=108
# text: "Cancel"
# item 1: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=182 y1=83 x2=254 y2=108
# text: "Yes"
# item 2: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=18 y1=14 x2=292 y2=42
# text: "Completely erase planet #^1?"
# 5 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=295 y1=76 x2=363 y2=103
# text: "OK"
# item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=25 y1=23 x2=280 y2=63
# text: "Enter the strength of the generator\'s magnetic field (0 to 100):"
# item 2: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
# bounds: x1=306 y1=36 x2=347 y2=51
# text: ""
# item 3: RADIO_BUTTON (0x06) enabled
# bounds: x1=49 y1=78 x2=143 y2=100
# text: "Attraction"
# item 4: RADIO_BUTTON (0x06) enabled
# bounds: x1=165 y1=78 x2=254 y2=99
# text: "Repulsion"
# 2 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=146 y1=67 x2=206 y2=87
# text: "Okay"
# item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=21 x2=342 y2=46
# text: "Continuum does not have enough memory to run."
# 2 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=117 y1=85 x2=191 y2=110
# text: "OK"
# item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=15 y1=16 x2=290 y2=75
# text: "This text is replaced with an error message"
# 3 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=51 y1=66 x2=111 y2=86
# text: "Cancel"
# item 1: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=172 y1=66 x2=232 y2=86
# text: "OK"
# item 2: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=28 y1=13 x2=265 y2=48
# text: "Are you sure you want to clear the High Scores list?"